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May 4th, 2022 - We had games going on all over the frat on this one night. But one of the bros decided to dip his dick without telling us, we were so distracted on the score. Next thing we knew, the pledges hole was open for business, so we left the game and butt fucked the train on him like we would our girls. This...
April 20th, 2022 - Homeworks a bitch. We're too buys destroying mussies. Threw this fresh man ass on the ground.. All the boys drilled his hole. Pumped his college house cum dump full all worked in and ready for spring break now.
March 23rd, 2022 - This dude just came to the frat with all kinds of pent up energy. His holes felt like all of our girlfriends holes. Pretty soon, it was one big free for all for us with more action going on in the room rather than the game. A little taste to wet his beak for the bro. What an appetite these pledges have,...
March 9th, 2022 - Poker night got boring fast so we decided to spice it by letting the pledge in on the game. Told him the rules, first one out is the table. Tried to keep playing, but kept getting distracted by the bitch's holes. We love our poker night, so figured why not keep playing while gettin' our dicks wet. Think...
February 23rd, 2022 - Every now and again a pledge just ends up gettin all the bros in a jam. When we jam, we jam as a team. This brotha needs to get his initiation by all of us, keeps asking us in class. So we found him dressed up as a bitch, tell's us he want's to play. We don't care what you wear, it's all sport at the...
February 9th, 2022 - Some bros can't wait to dish out what they got when they were pledges, and thats how we like it. That's when we know you belong in this frat. This was their first time training a new house bitch pledge and we were never so proud. Praised him for taking dick well, and got off being full-fledge bros. Man,...
January 26th, 2022 - Fucking game got canceled for some sh!t, so we made up our own sport. With no pledges around we decided to toss the ball and see who'd be the bitch tonight. Wouldn't you know it, it was the newest bro in the house. Could barely score a hoop. Fine by us, we were all horned as fuck and pissed because of...
January 12th, 2022 - Woot! PLEDGE TRAINING! What, you thought we just took in these bitches and didn't teach them to treat us right? Think these pussies just show up knowing how to suck a dick and get pounded? We all take turns training these guys to be men, first step is learning how to treat the bros of the house. If they...
December 29th, 2021 - Wooohooo! Pledge induction night! Each night we induct a new pledge as our bitch or bro in training. Every bro in the house has to take a turn and dump a load in his holes, then pass it, make sure we start this sh!t off right. It can get intense, not every pledge makes it past tonight--think this bitch...
December 15th, 2021 - Man we were fucking rowdy tonight. Bunch of us hit the gym, big game coming up for some of the frat boys. Luckily we had a new freshman pledge our frat. Just in time too, hate pumping up with no holes around to bust open. I don't know if the pledge will ever wanna be a full fledged bro, the way he was...
December 1st, 2021 - It can help when you pit the pledges against each other, tellin' them there is only one spot for another frat bro. Whoever gets the most bros off, gets a spot in the house. Maaaaaaaaan did they keep goin! Was like watchin' horses at the track or some sh!t, we rode them hard, made them earn that sh!t...
November 17th, 2021 - One of the perks of being a full bro is being able to get off when our girls are messing up. Where do you think "bro job" comes from? Frat houses, bros helpin' bros. What, you think we only do pledges? Please. Real men have real needs and sometimes we just gotta help each other out. No one bangs like...